Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Lords Hand

Can you see the Lord's hand in your life?
This week has been kind of a tough one for me, I've been struggling, and had a hard time recognizing my divinity and my purpose in being here. Sometimes our lives get hard, and we feel like we want to give up, DON'T. Whatever it is, whatever your going through, there's nothing that can't be solved through, prayer, scripture study, and sincere faith in Christ. 

This week we were all privileged to be able to hear from Elder Jeffery R Holland. He has long been one of my very favorite speakers, and I always look forward to his messages. This phrase that he said I know stuck with me, and i believe stuck with many who heard it. We should always live what we believe, and be examples of light and righteousness. 

My older brother is a missionary serving in the Uruguay, Montevideo West Mission. I never realized how  much having a missionary in your family can bless your family, friends, and home. I miss him terribly, but I know how much he wants this, and that it's what the Lord would have him be doing. He's an amazing example. as are all of the other missionaries out there. We need to support our young men and help them to see how important it is that they serve. 

signed, someone small and simple

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

10 Lessons Learned from Life

This week I've had some great experiences and I've learned a lot of lessons about life and living it, so I thought I'd share them with you. Here are my top 10 realizations for the week.

1. Sometimes life is hard. I realized that college is hard, shocker I know, but that sometimes the hardest things are the most worthwhile. My classes have been hard. Sometimes I have no idea what is going on, but once I figure something out for myself it feels so great because it was hard for me and I worked for it.
2. Learn when to ask for help. I have been sick for the past few days and it's been really hard. I'm away from home with no mom to take care of me, but I realized that my family aren't the only ones that care, and even a new friend can be turned to for help when you really need it. 
3. Family is forever. "I'm 18, I'm in college, I'm out on my own, I don't need my Mama and Daddy...right?" WRONG! There is nothing wrong with calling your mama and having a nice long chat. No matter how old you get, you will always be your parents baby girl/boy. Plus my parents are basically the best :D
4. Modest really is hottest. Do you know what message your clothes are sending? Do you know what boys or girls are thinking when they see you? I have always been taught that you should dress to respect yourself and others, but until I had a friend point it out to me that I could be doing better, I didn't realize that I was letting small things in my standard of modesty slip. Shorter shorts here, a shorter skirt there, or a lower neckline. well no more. Remember girls, and boys, we had it right back in primary, MODEST IS HOTTEST! :)
5. Be weird. I know this sounds like a silly cliche notion, but being yourself is always going to seem weird to someone. No one is gonna seem normal to everyone. Be your own kind of weird. It's good for you to express yourself and decide who "you" is, even if that means stepping outside the box and being a little weird. 
6. Good study habits=happy school year. If your life has been anything like mine, then you've only heard this one a few million times. What if all of those teachers, counselors, leaders, and parents were right? Mind blown, right? Think about it logically though, if you set aside time to study, then you have more time for fun without the stress of having that huge amount of homework looming over your head. It's in your power to make your life much less dramatic. 
7. Blow off some steam. Go outside!!!! It is just as important to give yourself time to have fun as it is to study. Life is all about making time for both. Have a picnic, play Frisbee, ride bikes, go for a walk, go dancing, or just lay out in the sun for a while. It's good to give yourself a break from being inside focused on school and work all of the time.
8. Life is a balancing act. I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but life is all about balance. Don't get to caught up in any one thing whether it be a sport, a fine art, school work, a boy, a girl...;) remember that the variety in life is what makes it exciting. Do something new every day for a week, you'll be surprised by the things that you find yourself loving. 
9. Learn to Dance in the rain. When life gives you lemons, come what may and love it...I really could have used any of these, but this one was literal for me this week. It poured rain and I went out and had a nice dance. Nothing makes me feel better then the smell and feel of a newly cleaned world. 
10. The Lord knows best. I think we've all heard this one once or twice, but this Sunday I found myself thinking more and more about it. The Lord will always love us, no matter what we say or do. He sees everything and knows everything. I think that's a pretty solid shoulder to lean on, don't you? 

someone small and simple