Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Lords Hand

Can you see the Lord's hand in your life?
This week has been kind of a tough one for me, I've been struggling, and had a hard time recognizing my divinity and my purpose in being here. Sometimes our lives get hard, and we feel like we want to give up, DON'T. Whatever it is, whatever your going through, there's nothing that can't be solved through, prayer, scripture study, and sincere faith in Christ. 

This week we were all privileged to be able to hear from Elder Jeffery R Holland. He has long been one of my very favorite speakers, and I always look forward to his messages. This phrase that he said I know stuck with me, and i believe stuck with many who heard it. We should always live what we believe, and be examples of light and righteousness. 

My older brother is a missionary serving in the Uruguay, Montevideo West Mission. I never realized how  much having a missionary in your family can bless your family, friends, and home. I miss him terribly, but I know how much he wants this, and that it's what the Lord would have him be doing. He's an amazing example. as are all of the other missionaries out there. We need to support our young men and help them to see how important it is that they serve. 

signed, someone small and simple

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