Sunday, June 23, 2013

Blog Glossary

For anyone who reads my blog and is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, you may not know what some of these phrases and acronyms mean, so here is a quick glossary:

Book of Mormon: another testament of Jesus Christ. A book of scripture translated through revelation by the prophet Joseph Smith from ancient American text.
BYU: Brigham Young University

First presidency of the Church: President Thomas S. Monson, President Henry B. Eyring, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
General Authority: worldwide leaders of the church
LDS: Latter Day Saints a website of resources used by members of the LDS church
Mission President: Men who are called to preside over a mission
Mission age change: Historic revelation that Mormon missionaries can now serve at a younger age. 18 years old for young men, and 19 for young women. a website of tools for people interested in investigating the LDS church
MTC: Missionary training Center

Quorum of the 12: The 12 apostles of Christ who  provide a special witness of him; (in order of seniority) President Boyd K. Packer, Elder L. Tom Perry, Elder Russell M. Neilson, Elder Dallin H. Oaks, Elder M. Russell Ballard, Elder Richard D. Scott, Elder Robert D. Hales, Elder Jeffery R. Holland, Elder David A. Bednar, Elder Quinten L. Cook, Elder D. Todd  Christofferson, Elder Neil L. Anderson

I will add more as they are needed, or as I use them. Thanks for reading, please follow and share!

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